About Mr. Seymour


About 18 years ago, I joined the New England Aquarium as a volunteer.  There, I was encouraged to go back to school and earn my degree.  In 2012, I earned my undergraduate degree, a BS in Psychology from UMass Boston. Follow my passion for design and management of aquatic systems I took a job at Boston University as a lab manager and began a master’s degree in biology – Marine Science at Boston University. Graduating from Boston University in 2017 with a master’s in science, I was a full-time lab manager in marine husbandry, specializing in the establishment and maintenance of large-scale marine systems.

In 2017, I followed my dreams of continuing to work with animals to the Dallas Zoo where I supervised the Children’s Aquarium at Fair Park. This experience gave me a lot of experience, managing larger projects, fixing older systems, and working with government organizations. In 2019 I would receive an incredible offer I could not refuse to work for Sea World Orlando. Sea World would take my controls knowledge, and systems practical application experience to the next level. With expert trainers, many massive aquatic systems, and complex controls systems I was able to take in a lot of sophisticated information in a relatively short time. 

I now call New Mexico home with its green chile, and beautiful mountain scapes.

In my free time, I follow my passions and curiosities by problem solving, computer programming, BAS controls, photography, breeding aquatic life and hiking.  While developing my career of system design and implementation, I volunteered and worked with misguided teens in the local community.

Master of Science (Biology)
Boston University, 2017
-Behavioral Ecology-
-Marine biology-

-Controls Expert-

-Project Manager-



-System Designer- 

-Lifelong Lerner-